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Repository: KizunaSafe Contracts


Before we dive into the deployment process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Node.js: Install Node.js version 16.15.1. You can download it from the official website: Node.js
  • npm: Ensure that npm (Node Package Manager) is installed. You can check the installation by running npm --version in your terminal.

Set Up

To get started with the deployment process, follow the steps below:

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the GitHub repository by running the following command in your terminal:

$ git clone

2. Install Dependencies

Install the dependencies by running any of the following commands in your terminal:

$ npm install


$ yarn

3. Set Up Utiliity Files

You will need to set up the files given in the Utilities section of the documentation to make the deployment process easier.

4. Compile & Deploy

Compile the contracts by running any of the following commands in your terminal:

$ npx hardhat compile


$ yarn compile

Deploy the contracts by running any of the following commands in your terminal:

$ npx hardhat deploy --network <network-name>


$ yarn hardhat deploy --network <network-name>
network name can be any of the following:
  • hardhat
  • goerli
  • mainnet
  • polygon
  • sepolia
  • localhost