Base Insurance Policy Contract
- This page contains the documentation for the Base Insurance Policy contract. This contract is the main parent contract that is used to derive the child contracts. It contains the basic functionalities that are common to all the child contracts.
- The Base Insurance Policy Contract uses Chainlink Keepers to automate the crucial processes of premium collection and claims payment for insurance policies. Chainlink Keepers provide reliable and decentralized automation, ensuring timely execution of tasks triggered by policy-specified time intervals.
- The Base Insurance Policy Contract uses Chainlink Any API to connect to any external API. This feature allows us to provide more flexible and customizable insurance solutions. For example, to validate a claim for a flight delay insurance policy, we can use some external Flight Delay API to get the flight status and validate the claim.
- The Base Insurance Policy Contract uses Chainlink Price Feeds to provide reliable and accurate price data for a wide range of assets. We have integrated Chainlink Price Feeds into our smart contract library to ensure that our insurance policies are using real time price data to perform operations.
- All these features are used in the Base Insurance Policy Contract and can be overridden in the child contracts to achieve modified and enhanced functionalities according to the needs.
Note: Modifiers
BaseInsurancePolicy contract makes use of a number of modifiers including:
-- To check that the caller is the admin of the policy. An admin is a user that can handle the insurance policy functions such aswithdraw
, etc. Thus, it mainly includes authorization for functions that the policy holder can invoke.onlyManager
-- To check that the caller is the manager of the policy. Managers can interact and change the variables of the policy contract directly such assetTermination
etc. It is a subset of the admin role.isNotTerminated
-- To check that the policy is active and has not already been terminated.Note: By default, the policyManagerAddress, collaborators and deployer of the contract are managers. The policy holder is the admin of the contract along with the managers. This list can be modified by adding more collaborators while deploying the contract. A user defined list of addresses can be specified in the collaborators argument of the constructor.
note This contract is the base contract for all the insurance policies.
The functions can be overidden in the derived contracts to achieve desired functionality.
----------------------------- Do Not Edit The Code Below -----------------------------------------
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./SharedData.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/AutomationCompatible.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ConfirmedOwner.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
abstract contract BaseInsurancePolicy is AutomationCompatible, ChainlinkClient, ConfirmedOwner {
using Chainlink for Chainlink.Request;
note Events related to BaseInsurancePolicy contract
event TerminatePolicy(address indexed policyAddress, uint256 indexed timestamp);
event PolicyRevived(address indexed policyAddress, uint256 indexed timestamp);
event PolicyFunded(address indexed policyAddress, uint256 indexed timestamp);
event PolicyClaimed(
address indexed policyAddress,
uint256 indexed timestamp,
bool indexed claimed
event PolicyMatured(address indexed policyAddress, uint256 indexed timestamp);
event PolicyWithdraw(
address indexed policyAddress,
uint256 indexed timestamp,
uint256 withdrawnAmount
note Internal and private variables
uint256 private fee;
AggregatorV3Interface internal s_priceFeed;
SharedData.Policy internal s_policy;
uint256 private s_lastPaymentTimestamp;
uint256 private s_startTimestamp;
uint256 private s_timePassedSinceCreation;
address[] private s_admins;
address[] private s_managers;
address private s_owner;
note Errors and Warnings related to BaseInsurancePolicy contract
error OnlyAdminAllowed();
error OnlyManagerAllowed();
error NotAllowedToWithdraw();
error PolicyNotActive();
error PolicyTerminated();
error PolicyNotClaimable();
error PolicyAlreadyClaimed();
error PolicyNotRevivable();
error PolicyNotFunded();
error PolicyNotMatured();
error PolicyNotInGracePeriod();
error RevivalAmountNotCorrect();
error PremiumAmountNotCorrect();
error PolicyActive();
error InsufficientBalance(uint256 contractBalance, uint256 amount);
error PolicyAlreadyFundedForCurrentInterval();
error PolicyAlreadyClaimable();
note modifiers for the contract
// Only admins can call certain functions
modifier onlyAdmin() {
bool allowed = false;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < s_admins.length; i++) {
if (msg.sender == s_admins[i]) {
allowed = true;
if (!allowed) revert OnlyAdminAllowed();
// Only manager or deployer can call or the contract itself
modifier onlyManager() {
bool allowed = false;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < s_managers.length; i++) {
if (msg.sender == s_managers[i]) {
allowed = true;
if (!allowed) revert OnlyManagerAllowed();
// Modifier to check if policy is terminated
modifier isNotTerminated() {
if (s_policy.isTerminated) {
revert PolicyTerminated();
// constant decimals
uint256 private constant DECIMALS = 10 ** 18;
SharedData.Policy memory policy,
address _link,
address priceFeed
) ConfirmedOwner(msg.sender) {
s_policy = policy;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < s_policy.admins.length; i++) {
for (uint8 i = 0; i < s_policy.collaborators.length; i++) {
s_priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(priceFeed);
fee = (1 * LINK_DIVISIBILITY) / 10;
s_timePassedSinceCreation = 0;
s_owner = address(msg.sender);
/****** BaseInsurancePolicy Functions ******/
@dev function makeClaim
note this function is used to make a claim on the policy, once the policy is claimed
now user can proceed to verify the details of claim by implementing methods like
DAO or Using API calls to validate data */
function makeClaim() public onlyAdmin returns (bool claimed) {
if (s_policy.isTerminated) revert PolicyTerminated();
if (!s_policy.isPolicyActive) revert PolicyNotActive();
if (s_policy.isClaimable) revert PolicyAlreadyClaimable();
// for single claimable policies
if (s_policy.hasClaimed) revert PolicyAlreadyClaimed();
s_policy.hasClaimed = true;
emit PolicyClaimed(address(this), block.timestamp, true);
return true;
@dev function revivePolicy
note this function is used to revive an inActive policy
function revivePolicy() public payable onlyAdmin {
if (s_policy.isTerminated) revert PolicyTerminated();
if (s_policy.isPolicyActive) revert PolicyActive();
if (s_policy.hasClaimed) revert PolicyAlreadyClaimed();
// if revivalPeriod is over then revert
if (
block.timestamp - s_lastPaymentTimestamp >
s_policy.revivalRule.revivalPeriod + s_policy.gracePeriod //* seconds
) revert PolicyNotInGracePeriod();
// amount should be close to revivalAmount
if (s_policy.revivalRule.revivalAmount - msg.value < (1 * DECIMALS) / 10000)
revert RevivalAmountNotCorrect();
// set policy to active
s_lastPaymentTimestamp = block.timestamp;
s_policy.isPolicyActive = true;
emit PolicyRevived(address(this), block.timestamp);
@dev function terminatePolicy
note this function is used to terminate the policy and can only be called by the admins
function terminatePolicy() public onlyAdmin {
if (s_policy.isTerminated) revert PolicyTerminated();
s_policy.isTerminated = true;
// sends the funds to the policyManager's wallet address
emit TerminatePolicy(address(this), block.timestamp);
@dev function withdraw
note this function is used to withdraw the fund from policy,
function can be overidden to implement custom withdrawal logic.
Notice that this funtion will return either the totalCoverageByPolicy if
contract balance is greater than totalCoverageByPolicy or else it will return
the contract balance. It can be modified accordingly in child contracts.
function withdraw() public payable virtual onlyAdmin isNotTerminated {
uint256 withdrawableAmount;
if (address(this).balance < s_policy.totalCoverageByPolicy)
withdrawableAmount = address(this).balance;
else withdrawableAmount = s_policy.totalCoverageByPolicy;
s_policy.isTerminated = true;
emit PolicyWithdraw(address(this), block.timestamp, withdrawableAmount);
function payPremium() public payable {
// if policy is terminated then revert
if (s_policy.isTerminated) revert PolicyTerminated();
if (s_policy.hasFundedForCurrentInterval) revert PolicyAlreadyFundedForCurrentInterval();
// if policy is not active then revert
if (!s_policy.isPolicyActive) {
// if revivalPeriod is over then revert
if (
block.timestamp - s_lastPaymentTimestamp >
s_policy.revivalRule.revivalPeriod + s_policy.gracePeriod //* seconds
) revert PolicyNotInGracePeriod();
// amount should be close to revivalAmount
if (s_policy.revivalRule.revivalAmount - msg.value > (1 * DECIMALS) / 10000)
revert RevivalAmountNotCorrect();
// set policy to active
s_lastPaymentTimestamp = block.timestamp;
s_policy.isPolicyActive = true;
// if premiumToBePaid is close to msg.value then revert
if (s_policy.premiumToBePaid - msg.value > (1 * DECIMALS) / 10000)
revert PremiumAmountNotCorrect();
// set lastTimestamp to current block.timestamp
s_lastPaymentTimestamp = block.timestamp;
s_policy.hasFundedForCurrentInterval = true;
/***** Chainlink Functionalities *****/
@dev Chainlink Keepers Implementation
note Chainlink Keepers is used to automatically check the policy activity.
It checks if the policy has been funded and takes decision based on the status of
the funding. The policy also gets automatically termainted when the timePassedSinceCreation
surpasses the policyTenure
note The function can be overidden to adjust according to the needs
function checkUpkeep(
bytes calldata checkData
) external view override returns (bool upkeepNeeded, bytes memory performData) {
// if policy is terminated then revert
if (s_policy.isTerminated) {
upkeepNeeded = false;
performData = "Policy is terminated";
// if policy is not active then revert
if (!s_policy.isPolicyActive) {
// if revivalPeriod is over then revert
if (
block.timestamp - s_lastPaymentTimestamp >
s_policy.gracePeriod + s_policy.revivalRule.revivalPeriod //* seconds
) {
upkeepNeeded = false;
performData = "Revival period is over";
upkeepNeeded = (block.timestamp - s_lastPaymentTimestamp) > s_policy.timeInterval;
performData = "Upkeep is needed";
function performUpkeep(bytes calldata performData) external override {
s_policy.hasFundedForCurrentInterval = false;
s_timePassedSinceCreation += s_policy.timeInterval;
// if timePassedSinceCreation is greater than policyTenure then terminate policy as policy has matured
if (s_timePassedSinceCreation >= s_policy.policyTenure) {
emit PolicyMatured(address(this), block.timestamp);
} else {
// if gracePeriod is over then revert
if (
block.timestamp - s_lastPaymentTimestamp > s_policy.gracePeriod //* seconds
) s_policy.isPolicyActive = false;
// if revivalPeriod is over then revert
if (
block.timestamp - s_lastPaymentTimestamp >
s_policy.gracePeriod + s_policy.revivalRule.revivalPeriod //* seconds
) terminatePolicy();
// fallback function
receive() external payable {
// if policy is terminated then revert
if (s_policy.isTerminated) revert PolicyTerminated();
// a function to fund the contract
function fundContract() public payable {
// if policy is terminated then revert
if (s_policy.isTerminated) revert PolicyTerminated();
@dev Chainlink Any API Implementation
@param url the url of the API
@param path the path to the field that you want to retrieve in the JSON body of the response
@param jobId the jobId of the Chainlink node depending on the type of data you want to get
@param oracle the associated oracle address to the API that you want to use
note The requestVolumeData function can be used to call any API and get the response
note The function can be overidden to adjust according to the needs,
for example if you want to get multiple variables data*/
function requestVolumeData(
string memory url,
string memory path,
bytes32 jobId,
address oracle
) public returns (bytes32 requestId) {
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(
// Set the URL to perform the GET request on
req.add("get", url);
req.add("path", path);
int256 timesAmount = 10 ** 18;
req.addInt("times", timesAmount);
// Sends the request
return sendChainlinkRequest(req, fee);
* Receive the response in the form of uint256
function fulfill(
bytes32 _requestId,
uint256 /* _volume */
) public recordChainlinkFulfillment(_requestId) {
// override this function to implement callback functionality
// Setter functions
function setTermination(bool isTerminated) public onlyManager {
s_policy.isTerminated = isTerminated;
function setClaimable(bool isClaimable) public onlyManager {
s_policy.isClaimable = isClaimable;
function setClaimed(bool hasClaimed) public onlyManager {
s_policy.hasClaimed = hasClaimed;
function setPolicyActive(bool isPolicyActive) public onlyManager {
s_policy.isPolicyActive = isPolicyActive;
function sethasFundedForCurrentInterval(bool hasFundedForCurrentInterval) public onlyManager {
s_policy.hasFundedForCurrentInterval = hasFundedForCurrentInterval;
// getter functions
function getPolicyHolderDetails()
returns (SharedData.HumanDetails memory policyHolderDetails)
return s_policy.policyHolder;
function gethasFundedForCurrentInterval()
returns (bool hasFundedForCurrentInterval)
return s_policy.hasFundedForCurrentInterval;
function getPolicyTenure() public view returns (uint128 policyTenure) {
return s_policy.policyTenure;
function getGracePeriod() public view returns (uint128 gracePeriod) {
return s_policy.gracePeriod;
function getTimeBeforeCommencement() public view returns (uint128 time) {
return s_policy.timeBeforeCommencement;
function getPremiumToBePaid() public view returns (uint256 premiumToBePaid) {
return s_policy.premiumToBePaid;
function getTotalCoverageByPolicy() public view returns (uint256 coverage) {
return s_policy.totalCoverageByPolicy;
function getPolicyDetails() public view returns (string memory policyDetails) {
return s_policy.policyDetails;
function getRevivalRule() public view returns (SharedData.RevivalRule memory revivalRule) {
return s_policy.revivalRule;
function getHasClaimed() public view returns (bool hasClaimed) {
return s_policy.hasClaimed;
function getIsPolicyActive() public view returns (bool isPolicyActive) {
return s_policy.isPolicyActive;
function getIsClaimable() public view returns (bool isClaimable) {
return s_policy.isClaimable;
function getIsTerminated() public view returns (bool isTerminated) {
return s_policy.isTerminated;
function getPolicyHolderWalletAddress()
returns (address payable policyHolderWalletAddress)
return s_policy.policyHolder.policyHolderWalletAddress;
function getPolicyType() public view returns (SharedData.PolicyType policyType) {
return s_policy.policyType;
@dev Chainlink PriceFeed Implementation
note This function gets the premium to be paid in USD using Chainlink PriceFeed
function getPremiuminUSD() public view returns (uint256 convertedAmount) {
(, int256 answer, , , ) = s_priceFeed.latestRoundData();
uint256 ethPriceInUsd = uint256(answer);
// ETH/USD in 10^8 digit
uint256 usdAmount = (s_policy.premiumToBePaid * ethPriceInUsd) / DECIMALS;
return usdAmount;
function getAdmins() public view returns (address[] memory admins) {
return s_admins;